NFMHA affiliates are invited to join the leadership team to learn what NFMHA was up to in 2024 and to hear about exciting things to come in 2025. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Following the business portion of the event, we welcome affiliates and friends of NFMHA to join us for an educational opportunity. We will hear from Diane Bergsma of Three Oaks Respite Cabin. We will hear from psychotherapist Carrie Pollard about her work with self-compassion and from Lauren Van Ewyk, who will speak about the Dark Side of Resilience.


Our Agriculture Informed Therapy (AIT) online training introduces therapists and students to the unique needs and treatment strategies for farmers, their families, and their communities. It is nationally recognized and provides continuing education credits.

Three Oaks Cabin is a quiet place where farmers, first responders and their families can find solace, rest, renewal, and support. Click here to access the wellness program.

Welcome, we are thrilled that you are here. Our goal is to help farmers thrive.

We provide counselling services to farmers and their families. We also provide certified agriculture informed training to therapists and social workers as well as speaking engagements and a host of other resources and supports. Thanks for stopping by.

Our Services

Helping Farmers Thrive
Let us connect you to a therapist that is a farmer or part of a farm family
Certified, comprehensive training for therapists in "Agriculture Informed Therapy"
We offer workshops on topics designed to help improve mental, physical, emotional, and spritual well-being for farm families.
We have multi-pronged service packages for agriculture organizations to better meet the mental health needs of their members.
In the connection between nutrition and mental health there are a few things we can do to improve this connection. Here are six:1. Eat Whole Foods: Focus on fruits, veggies, and lean proteins.2. Boost Omega-3s: Add fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.3. Cut Sugary Foods: Avoid blood sugar spikes.4. Stay Hydrated: Drink water for better mood and focus.5. Add Probiotics: Support gut health with yogurt or kefir.6. Avoid Skipping Meals: Keep blood sugar stable with regular eating.Which one are you good at? Which one do you find challenging? Let us know in the comments.💡This post is for informational purposes only. It does not represent therapeutic advice. #nutritionandmentalhealth#gutbrainconnection#nfmha#nfmhalliance#FarmersMentalHealth#supportfarmers#healthyfarmershealthyfarms#farmstrong#mentalhealthinagriculture#farmingwithhope#endthestigma#FarmersMatter#mentalhealthmattersforfarmers#farmersneedsupport#caringforfarmers#agmentalhealth#FarmersWellness#breakthesilence#hopeforfarmers#farmstressawareness#farmerscopingtogether#ruralmentalhealth#farmlifeishardbutyouarenotalone#farmingandmentalhealth#MentalHealthInFarming#strongertogetherfarmers ... See MoreSee Less
Tomorrow is the day! We can't wait to meet many of you (virtually) for our Virtual General Meeting and Educational Event! What an amazing time together we will ha#nfmhalliancei#nfmhan#FarmersMentalHealthe#supportfarmersr#healthyfarmershealthyfarmsF#farmstrongt#mentalhealthinagriculturel#farmingwithhopeh#endthestigmat#FarmersMattera#mentalhealthmattersforfarmersr#farmersneedsupportp#caringforfarmersr#agmentalhealthe#FarmersWellnessl#breakthesilencel#hopeforfarmersr#farmstressawarenesse#farmerscopingtogethere#ruralmentalhealthe#farmlifeishardbutyouarenotaloneA#farmingandmentalhealthe#MentalHealthInFarmingr#strongertogetherfarmersr#RuralResiliencei#farmingthroughitu#FarmersHelpingFarmersrmers ... See MoreSee Less
In 2 Days we will have the honour of taking part in an Educational Event following our General Meeting. We look forward to learning from Diane Bergsma of Three Oaks Respite Cabin, from psychotherapist Carrie Pollard about her work with self-compassion and from Lauren Van Ewyk, who will speak on the topic of the Dark Side of Resilience.#nfmhalliance#nfmha#FarmersMentalHealth#supportfarmers#healthyfarmershealthyfarms#farmstrong#mentalhealthinagriculture#farmingwithhope#endthestigma#FarmersMatter#mentalhealthmattersforfarmers#farmersneedsupport#caringforfarmers#agmentalhealth#FarmersWellness#breakthesilence#hopeforfarmers#farmstressawareness#farmerscopingtogether#ruralmentalhealth#farmlifeishardbutyouarenotalone#farmingandmentalhealth#MentalHealthInFarming#strongertogetherfarmers#RuralResilience#farmingthroughit#FarmersHelpingFarmers ... See MoreSee Less
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