We offer the following services for agricultural and veterinarian organizations that want to provide their members the benefits of mental health support in various modalities:

  • Check-in and Chat– Join a virtual video ‘chat’ with one of our experienced therapists and talk about pertinent issues in mental health. Each discussion will have themes, allowing people to learn and share. One of the benefits of group discussion is that attendance is optional (no pre-registration needed), and people gain as much from listening as they do from active participation.
    • For Professionals: Offered as a form of group supervision focused on improving connection and rapport with farming clients. Includes case studies for problem-solving and clinical growth.
    • For Clients: Presented as psycho-educational group discussions on topics designed to improve mental wellness, such as communication in relationships, mindfulness on the farm, practicing gratitude, and stress management.
  • Workshops/webinars– one-hour presentations by a therapist on topics relevant to farming and veterinarian work, such as building resilience, succession planning, improving communication, managing stress and anxiety, vicarious trauma, and cultivating compassion.
  • E-literacy – informative, engaging articles, blogs, newsletters, and social media posts developed for your organization by a therapist.

​Contact us to find out more information on pricing, packages, and topics.

We are still celebrating all the wonderful connections made at AWC East a week ago. Such important conversations were had! We can't wait for AWC West happening in March 2025.@advancingwomeninagriculture"Having boundaries is not about being mean, selfish or unreasonable. They’re about respecting yourself enough to recognize where your personal limits exist and then asking for people around you to respect those limits." --Jess CampbellRead more on the blog. #linkinbio#womeninag #awceast #awcwest #FarmersWellness #StressRelief #Gratitude #HealthyLiving #Farmfamilies #intentionalliving #CommunitySupport #FarmLife #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #FarmingTips #StayPresent #nfmha #nfmhalliance #farmermentalhealth #ranchermentalhealth #agmentalhealth #MentalHealthAwareness #BreakTheStigma #mentalhealthmatters #farmermentalhealthmatters #ruralmentalhealthmatters #farmermentalhealth #ruralmentalhealth ... See MoreSee Less
Did you know that boundaries are actually for you and not the other person? Our guest blogger, Jess Campbell shares thoughts, encouragement and applicable advice on boundary setting over on the blog this month.#linkinbio#boundarysetting #settingboundaries #boundaries #FarmersWellness #stressrelief #gratitude #healthyliving #farmfamilies #intentionalliving #communitysupport #farmlife #mentalhealth #wellbeing #farmingtips #staypresent #nfmha #nfmhalliance #farmermentalhealth #ranchermentalhealth #agmentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #breakthestigma #MentalHealthMatters #farmermentalhealthmatters #ruralmentalhealthmatters #farmermentalhealth #ruralmentalhealth ... See MoreSee Less
We love our partnership with Three Oaks Respite Cabin. Three Oaks Respite Cabin exists to enhance and support the mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of individuals primarily involved in the agricultural and First Responder communities who are struggling with forms of stress and anxiety.Three Oaks provides:COMFORTABLE ACCOMODATIONSAn elegant log cabin closely connected to natureA QUIET PLACE TO REST AND RECOVERRecover from daily stresses and anxietyACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTSAccess professionals and support programsA TRANQUIL PLACE TO REORIENT AND REFOCUSReflect on relationships and life goalsA SAFE PLACE TO BE HONESTAcknowledge struggles and formulate a plan to address them@3oakscabin#mentalhealthpartnership #nfmha #nationalfarmermentalhealthalliance #3oakscabin #farmermentalhealth #firsterspondermentalhealth #MentalHealthPartnerships #3oakscabin #firstresponders #firstrespondersmentalhealth #mentalhealtheducation #knowledgeispower#nfmha #nfmhalliance #mentalhealthjourney #bepatientwithyourself#farmermentalhealth #farmerwellness #FarmStrong #farmcommunity #agmentalhealth #agletstalk🥬 #agmorethanever #farmersofinstagram #ruralrooted #ruralwellbeing #therapistsofinstagram #socialworkersofinstagram ... See MoreSee Less
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