We offer the following services for agricultural and veterinarian organizations that want to provide their members the benefits of mental health support in various modalities:

  • Check-in and Chat– Join a virtual video ‘chat’ with one of our experienced therapists and talk about pertinent issues in mental health. Each discussion will have themes, allowing people to learn and share. One of the benefits of group discussion is that attendance is optional (no pre-registration needed), and people gain as much from listening as they do from active participation.
    • For Professionals: Offered as a form of group supervision focused on improving connection and rapport with farming clients. Includes case studies for problem-solving and clinical growth.
    • For Clients: Presented as psycho-educational group discussions on topics designed to improve mental wellness, such as communication in relationships, mindfulness on the farm, practicing gratitude, and stress management.
  • Workshops/webinars– one-hour presentations by a therapist on topics relevant to farming and veterinarian work, such as building resilience, succession planning, improving communication, managing stress and anxiety, vicarious trauma, and cultivating compassion.
  • E-literacy – informative, engaging articles, blogs, newsletters, and social media posts developed for your organization by a therapist.

Contact us to find out more information on pricing, packages, and topics.

"When most people think about nutrition, they often link it to weight loss—especially at the start of a new year. But for farmers, nutrition is about so much more than the scale. It’s the foundation for physical health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Proper nutrition can optimize your capabilities, help you meet the demands of your work, and enhance resiliency in the face of stress and uncertainty." Read more from registered dietitian Vanessa Langille on the blog this month.@langille.nutrition#linkinbio #nfmha #nationalfarmermentalhealthalliance #farmermentalhealth ... See MoreSee Less
Did you know that we have a $100 bundle discount for students who are in the field of mental health and want to take our Ag Informed Therapy Training?Simply reach out to our Directors of Student Engagement, Desaray or Katie, to verify that you are a student. They will send the code to you at the time of verification. Not wishing to purchase the bundle? No worries: we have a 10% discount if you purchase one Tier at a time.[email protected][email protected]#AIT #aginformedtherapy #nfmha #nfmhalliance#farmersupportfarmers #farmstrong #farmermentalhealth #farmerwellness #agmentalhealth #farmfamily #agmorethanever #ruralrooted #ruralwellbeing #therapistsofinstagram #psychotherapistsofinstagram ... See MoreSee Less
💙💚#bellletstalk about the state of mental health within Canada’s agriculture community. It is very concerning. The level of anxiety within the farming community is at an all-time high — ten times higher than in the general labour market. We want those in the agricultural community to have the help they need. We help connect farmers, and their families to therapists that are farmers or part of farm families and understand the unique pressures of the industry. 💙💚Our affiliates are therapists in your community that have been trained in our nationally recognized ‘Agriculture Informed Therapy’ training so that your farming experiences are better understood and valued.💙💚Reach out. We would love to connect you with one of our affiliates:📧[email protected]📱1-877-639-8828🌐https://nfmha.ca/how-we-help/psychotherapy#nfmha #nationalfarmermentalhealthalliance #farmermentalhealth #ranchermentalhealth #ruralmentalhealth #bellletstalk #mentalhealthawareness ... See MoreSee Less
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