The farmer is the farm’s greatest asset. There are unique aspects of each individual farm that is intricately understood only by that farmer, which no one else can replicate. The National Farmer Mental Health Alliance presents strategies to help boost resilience in your farmer clients to ensure their wellbeing and to allow their farms to thrive.

Have you listened to the latest @ruralwell podcast? Sean Stanford shares his journey overcoming anxiety and stress and helping others. Don't miss out on this inspiring stor#farmermentalhealthe#agh#albertafarmera#stressonthefarmefarm ... See MoreSee Less
We love these strategies that registered dietician Vanessa Langille shared with us on the blog this month.Head over to the blog to continue reading details about how each of these strategies can help us.@langille.nutrition#linkinbio#nfmha #nationalfarmermentalhealthalliance #farmermentalhealth #nutritionandmentalhealth ... See MoreSee Less
Make time to invest in yourself. When you prioritize nutrition, you're not only supporting your work on the farm but also nurturing your future, your relationships, and the life you're working towards.Find great info in this month's blog entry by @langi#nfmhat#farmingandnutritioni#mentalhealthandnutirtionlthandnutirtion ... See MoreSee Less
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